“A Complaint”

Melissa Rizza
Apr 30, 2021


Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Poem created in the rhythmic style of William Wordsworth

I have a problem, I need help

Happiness has eluded me

Stressed, fatigued- I want to yelp

Happiness may come with a fee

Like a song, It hides the mild glare

Of a droning beat of despair.

Gilded by a canorous choir

Made to please and to entertain.

Songs fill the gaps of my desires.

Melodies can enthrall my brain.

Enveloping me in sweet bliss

A feeling, I could never miss.

How could a thing ever so sweet,

Ever cause me such immense pain

And make me feel so obsolete.

Possibly envelop the brain

See beautiful songs drive you mad

But happiness is not a fad.



Melissa Rizza

High school student. Passionate about politics, environment and history.